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Wednesday, 30 November 2011

"O"my destiny.......(part II)

fairy sparkle animated girl graphic

Its a dream come true  a union of souls , life has losend now its control ...."O" my destiny it feels so nice to be out of your control,  its a treat to heart which beats on evry tweet of wind that blows.....every sound i hear  ignites a rhythm of emotions uncontrolled , "O" my destiny i am relieved of pain that you poured !!

Life now is a  sail with emotional over flow, i fear i may collapse with rhytm of emotions that flow....the wait was  long to break free frm your control  , "O" my destiny ,its a thanksgiving night when you set me free , i thought i will never be able to break that grip of yours !!

The love now will flourish and life a bed of rose(roses) the unaccomplished dreams i had ,  have come so close..."O" my destiny , i am greatful for setting me free , the life on earth was  sad and sore , i am pleased to have broken free from that  spell of yours  now am aboard a padestal that is not in your control , and i kneel on  knees for setting free my soul   "O" no more my destiny" destiny !!

copyright(c)alka narula
gif file


  1. Destiny is something that we create and yes, we can still feel free from it knowing also that is a but uncertain. Nice post.

  2. Lovely and inspiring) This is my first time here and I really enjoy reading your post, thanks for sharing!:)

  3. thank you saggi for your valuable comment and for visiting my blog..hope to see you here again

  4. @idhizer thank you:) @miss lego well said and thank you..


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