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Thursday, 8 December 2011

burning desire........

Sun Folwer
Love at times i feel is sweet and i smile , love at times i feel is relief and i sigh , love at times i feel is nice and i  smile , love at times i feel is joy and i sigh , it makes my heart beat sing like a nightingale !!

Love is not what one sees its deep inside, nor  can be express in words its conveyed through eyes , the feeling of love one can feel  through heart that smiles and eyes are mirror of that smile !!

You have everything but no love in life , life seems longer and one feels theres no relief in life , it makes  the heart to sink and sound like a silent  night !!

One feels like a butterfly when  in love and flies to every tune that one gets to hear , the illusion of love is such that one doesnt realise ,it makes an autumn appear like blossom on a tree !! 

The glory of love can be seen in eyes with sheen , its a mystery of love that every one seeks despite the fact one has burnt the fingers a few times but the desire of being loved never dies !!

I wish to fall in love though my fingers are burnt but the desire of being loved is stronger than burns , my wisdom seems to have failed in this burning desire ........hope some sense will prevail and save me from burning inside this desire !! 

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  1. Oh!! Its lovely feelings and I could relate to it a lot.. Beautifully written in flowing style... Thanks for sharing ...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    At Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  2. @ankur thank you so much:) @shashi thank you for coming back am glad you could relate to it..

  3. Well written... Like your style.



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