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Sunday, 18 December 2011

i wait for you......

Babe , how i feel and my love for you nothing has changed despite you being away, though you tried to chase the world you thought was love  , that i knew is not for you i continued to love for you is an ocean thats deeper than  sea ,i am tender inside you need to realise my feelings for you !!

The love i was deprived of for some time, now i know the time is ripe for you to end my wait .........i have been patient like sky that is calm but conceal inside heaps  but not reveal !!

 Tender in  love , i feel like a bird in the sky  flying so high with crave deep inside ......... firm  like reef in deep waters of sea i grow older but feel beautiful inside in wait for my love that is you !!

The time is now ripe , for you to kneel and believe in love that is deeper than sea and come back to me .............. my wait though was long but my belief was too strong that your search for love that you need, is no where but with me come back to me !!

gif credits mobileapples .com


  1. nice poem.. lotta meaning into it..
    but try reducing the size of the fonts throughout the blog.. its too big.. its difficult to read. .

  2. hi shashikant thanks for visiting and thanks for your input,i will work on it..


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