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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

next to you......

Green Landscape

If ever you feel if ever you need the desire is strong to be loved ...i will be right next to you ,
if ever you sleep if ever you dream  you desire and long to be loved...i will be next to you ,
life if seems is not the way it should treat just call out for will find me next to you ,
i promise you my love no matter where i have times of need you will find me next to you !!

At times you may feel you are lonely without me,search your heart...,i will be waiting for you ,
if ever you feel you are about to break down just turn around.....i will be waiting for you ,
if ever the feeling is strong that you are strewn apart whisper my name...i will be next to you ,
i promise my love no matter where i am .....if you need me around you will find me next to you !!

Life my love, is a ribbon of strings that glides up and down..... with changing breeze of  seasons ,
but i will be right there no matter how harsh the breeze may try to sweep you of your feet ....though i am not there but will never let you down when ever you feel the need  ......just around though i may not be seen but you are surrounded by me  i am in your heart comforting your soul , i am every where !!

copyright(c)alka narula
gif file


  1. its soft and beautiful... post. Could relate to it a lot...
    Thanks for sharing..

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya

  2. Thanx for your visit Shashi , i believe one with an emotional heart can only connect with my words which come from deep down overpowered with emotions !!


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