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Tuesday, 6 December 2011

a shooting star........


when ever i thought i am closer to my dream  things would go wrong ..i was left with mourning heart , when ever i tried turning my life around things would go wrong ............i was left with mourning heart !!

whenever i tried to flutter my wings my journey was cut short.......i would fall on the ground ,the life i thought was journey through  petals and flowers............but i came across deserts full of thorns !!

"O" my grief ,my sorrows my life has become so hollow. but you didn't stop ,you followed me all around ,the pain that i feel , is not just me but every one feels........that hurts me even more and adds to my pain !!

I wish i was a little theme in every ones dream........i would have made sure that the dreams do come true ,
i wish i was  a shooting star who can neither breathe nor feel........i would have given some hope to those, who are in journey with me !!

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  1. Very beautifully expressed. Loved it, especially the last verse about the shooting star. Great work, keep it up :)

  2. thank you so much akash for your ever encouraging words:)and thanks for coming back:)

  3. the pain of failure, of dreams not becoming reality is so nicely expressed here

  4. Thank you soooooooo much Sujatha.


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