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Sunday, 8 January 2012

the white sheep who clenched a bigonia with his teeth......

Falling leaves 
i watched the sunset and wondered if any one was there  who could be with me , when the night falls ....i felt the presence of chill  in the silence when the sun was gone........ but no one was around me to break the ice that was prolonged .............whole night i could hear the thunder and storm which came to an end with an explosion i heard ....i looked around me but no one was there !!
i went back and lay under the tree and wondered if any one was around in wild jungle where i belonged,tried to sleep on my bed that was made of dried leaves and i looked around  but no one was to be found  .......tried not to think of the night that was too dark when i heard a chirping sound ...a nightingale on tree i found was making strange sounds .....i lay looking at it and wondered if it was trying to convey that some one is about to be here !!
when  the sun was about to rise,in twilight  i could see a shepherd followed by herd of sheep with a begonia clenched in his teeth was try  was trying to break free mind was sure it is you and i rushed and rescued the one who i thought was you....the nightingale now was now not chirping but made sweet sound.....the thunder and storm that stopped i could hear started again....and an explosion i heard once again enveloped the Shepherd and his herd and were not seen again !!
few years have gone by but i feel content with my little white sheep.....he is my companion though it maynot speak.....the begonia he clenched in its small white teeth still fresh as was the day i freed the sheep from herd.......the presence of you i feel every where in fragrance that comes from the begonia when the sheep sleeps, in dark nights with me and i feel your presence though you may not be seen in the garb that  you adorned last life is different from the one you adorn but you are with me and no longer i feel alone !!

photo credit mobileapples


  1. wow nice and romantic mix up with nature !! I loved it ..

  2. Good one. We gotta keep looking on all sides to identify our love coming back to us... :) Neatly portrayed... :)

  3. thank you so much rahul:)
    thank you sheril for visiting and for your comment:)
    thank you phoenix you said it well:)

  4. Beautifully expressed. Lovely image :) Looking for more posts from you. :)

  5. poignant plea of loneliness.... beautifully done

  6. thank u shreya:)
    thank u akshay:)
    thank u magiceye:)
    your comments really make my day:)


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