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Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Autumn and The Spring


            On my knees , I am your patron ,      
                          an admirer ,
                 hold you in high regard !
             your blessings are my strength !
                 I abide by all your rules !
     To move according to your signal is my duty !
                  have no wish of mine !
                      Will live and die
               the way you want  me to !
       you have all my strings in your hand !
                 You own me ,I am yours !
        Which ever path you show is mine !
                      I promise to bear
            all the pain you confer on me ,
                         with a smile !
              Half way through my journey ,
             I have a question on my mind ,
     hope you wouldn't mind answering with a smile !
                  You are a perfectionist ,
                      Sun and The Moon ,
                      Ocean and The Sea ,
                    Autumn and The Spring ,
                  every creation of yours
             is a paragon of your perfection ,
               but where did you go wrong
                    when you created life  ?
                          every soul ,
                        every animal ,
                     every human being  ,
                     though beautiful
            suffers in one or the other form ,
                you are the master crafter ,
              you are the one and only one ,
  who is the master of this theatre and this theme ,
               why don't you recede pain ,
        and fill up the empty space with joy ,
                      that one seeks !
           truly don't want anything for me ,
              save me from sufferings
       sufferings of others ,watching them
                    my heart bleeds !                             

copy right (c)alka narula
photo credit i cafe



  1. Good Question! Maybe God answers that with life i gave choice and it is your exercise of choice that makes you imperfect!

    Nice thought-provoking poem.

    1. fr thot i guess:)

    2. Its easy. The concept of a god is just a mass mental delusion.

  2. How deep is this... loved it.

  3. ...reminds me of "I fall upon the thorns of life I bleed"...beautiful, Alka!

  4. Wonderful....beautifully done..

  5. You are being tested by god, and now its your turn to show your creator that you can endure the pain and sufferings and come out of it a winner.
    Beautifully your have expressed those emotions, Alka. :)

  6. made me speechless with your lines...expressed so beautifully:)

  7. You asked the million dollar question that keeps ringing in my mind! :) Loved the poem..!

  8. Replies
    1. no inspiration really...just came from within:)

  9. You have hit it hard.. "wathcing them my heart bleeds". Hats off to you Alka. Great work.

    1. hi mak thank u so much...i went through your blog somehow am unable to comment on ur posts der seems to be some problem from my side... :( will keep visiting...and can mail u my comments if u r der on indiblogger:)


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