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Monday, 20 August 2012

evil eye

The blossom on aspen trees
has spread like wild fire ,
The humming birds seem to be on joy ride ,
I can see the butterflies at night ,
Twinkle in glow worm's eyes ,
 Recklessly they fly in the sky ,
Gushing water seems filled with joy
Sounds like music coming from Mandolin !

I don't remember having had grape wine
for some time ,
But can you  see
My smile has become tangible,
My heart beat sound like a Trumpet ,
Its evident from my blinking eyes ,
My heart is filled with joy ,
His phenomenal smile
has given me a new life ,
Life seems like sound of Bassoon !

Can you hear me " O evil eye "
Let him stay there for rest of my life ,
Change your ways for me this time,
D'ont say you can not  "those are your rituals" !

copy right (c)alka narula
photo credit photo


  1. so rhymtic words Alka and beautiful image to go with it:)

  2. Lovely poem .. beautiful image ..

    Bye, Alka !


  3. Very beautiful poem Alka....I liked the warning given to the Evil eye ;)

  4. I hope evil eye listen's to your pleas and stays away from your moment of pure bliss :)
    Beautiful poem!!

    ❤Not Just My Allegories❤

  5. Ah such lovely and beautiful imagery. A pleasure reading your poems as always, Alka. :)

  6. so refreshing and the rhyming effect is beautiful...


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