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Friday, 10 August 2012

mysterious mystery

I like your dusky hues
I can see the sheen in your blue eyes
The depth in deep blue
is enough to drown me in love
I have this instinct !

Now, c'mon hold my hand
Love me as much as you can
Life may not give us another chance
Here play with my each and every string !

Love is a mystery
You know my wait was too long
to drown in the mist ,it was a dream
It gave me a reason to live !

Listen carefully to
each and every chord of romance  
hear them chant,before they evanesce ,
"The mild aroma of your sudoric frame
was meant for me and only me !"

Here I wait for you to caress me while 
I smoulder and become crimson red
Smell my essence , the mysterious musk
The musk , I know you wont be able to resist !

copy right(c)alka narula
photo credit


  1. Here I wait for you to caress me while
    I smoulder and become crimson red

    Loved it :)

  2. Good One as always Alka :)

    P.S. I am running out of superlatives :)

  3. hope the wait get over pretty sooon


  4. Good one, Alka and especially the last lines were superb!

  5. Dear Alka,
    I like your poems. Very good. This poem too is very nice and projects the emotions of a lover. You have written
    "Listen carefully to
    each and every chord of romance
    hear them chant,before they evanesce "

    If someone loves so much, how can the love vanish or wilt away if the prince in shining armour doesn't understand the love or reciprocate or extend his hand to the lady?

    Love your poems.

  6. Not much of a person for romance.

    Keep writing. :)

  7. Nice writing , Alka :)... Nice choice of imagery

  8. Dear friend,
    The rose is as beautiful as your words. Thanks your for sharing.

  9. Very lyrical,poetic and Romantic !!!

  10. Absolutely lovely...Alka :) Lyrical, sensual, romantic piece..<3


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