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Sunday, 23 September 2012

A chalice in your name

This piece of poetry is in the form of a poetic conversation between two lovers


A chalice in your name
Few drops from sculpted lips
Can gulp you down

I admire your beautiful hair
They are like serpents coils

Your graceful nape
Narcissus eyes full of drunkenness

Your ruddy cheeks
Your magnificent smile
are enough to drench me in sweet pain

Your mellifluous voice
All I can say is
is like sparkling wine

Now show me thy heart
stains of love
Pearls by million I would gladly cede
For the sake of tears borne of love 

She -

Whisper again, I want to hear you say
those words over and over again,
 Feel my pain , glance at my bleeding heart
before the tulips in my hair go wry !

copy right (c)alka narula
photo credit


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