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Saturday, 23 February 2013

Thine Eyes

Once again few lines inspired by Daag Dehlvi Ji These word are about a man who is madly in love with a woman , who pledges to quit drinking if she accepted his heart...

"Your eyes" he said " Are loads and loads of wine
Don't hasten and close the door
I beg , listen to my one last plea
Let me bathe in divinity of  those eyes
I shall have no regret if I drowned
If you smother me with thine eyes
I pledge I shall never look for pints nor for wine
No matter , how strong urge I may have
To quench my thirst , from the soul that may rise
Thou art Venus , my Aphrodite
I would change my course for you
For thine blue eyes
I beg you turn around for a little while
Look at the wreath that I placed out side your door last night
I concealed a necklace beneath the rose , that holds my heart
That is no more mine
Your foot prints is all you will find ,if you opened the door
If you looked at my heart
That was , once upon a time my treasure ,was mine
I plead adorn it around your serpentine neck
Keep it close to your heart , now its thine !

Copyright ©2012alkanarula
photo credits Google Image Search



  1. A quick read without an effort and that's what makes this piece unique in its approach!!!Good work.

  2. A great fan of Daag Sahib, you are, Alka! No?
    Absolutely wonderful!

  3. Beautiful poetry. The emotions conveyed are touching!

  4. beautiful poem ..

    i didn't wrote any poem but i'd quit drinking for my love :-)


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