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Saturday, 13 April 2013

I Love Myself

.We all have turning points in our life , so did I and I call them soul stirring moments .Here are  few lines about awakening and enlightenment of my soul that changed my life.

Neither my beginning nor the end
Neither I had nor I will have control 
Its all about his hands

Neither my present nor my future
I can control 
It is controlled by his wand

My past I am told 
" Is bygone 
I must not regret "

"Like a docked ship in troubled waters 
I must flow
Till I reach the horizon 
The infinite world that never ends " 

"Like a Diva 
In this world 
I must venture ahead"

"Walk down the road
Wait for the story to unfold
Don't let the unknown world
haunt my soul"

"By now I must know 
The burning desire and audacity of hope
Are the last musketeers alive in this world "

I pushed my spirit 
Beyond my physical cage
To understanding of who I am 

Forgave myself for the sins I made in the past
Make constant effort to shine radiantly in the dark
For at the end of  the day
When my actions have paved the way
I must take pride when I  say " I love myself"

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  1. Beautiful composition! hats off! :)

  2. Very beautiful poetry. entertaining,inspiring and touching!

  3. Very nice composition and true that the first person whom we need to love is ourselves. The more we love and understand ourselve, the more we will reflect in others too.

  4. Loved these two... :)

    My past I am told
    "Is bygone
    I must not regret"
    I pushed my spirit
    Beyond my physical cage
    To understanding of who I am

  5. A great Composition and nicely penned .
    Travel India

  6. I like these above beautiful lines. U have written very well. If any bollywood music composer read your lines, he will take u 4 lyricist. Best of luck for future :)

  7. I loved the lines :) the rhythm. :)

  8. Beautiful! seems to have evolved from the attached world to unattached one...


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