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Sunday 12 May 2013

The Omen

Few lines on the  dark when I am surrounded by The Omen in me ....My satanic thoughts at times are too strong that I find it hard to free myself from palpable feelings....

Buried in the darkness
Only Silhouettes surrounding me
I grope in the dark
But the hollow walls are all I can feel

My satanic thoughts have become strong
They have begun to overpower me
The palpable feelings are strong
I try to move away from thee

I try to erase the memories of past
But the walls seem to have ears they can hear me
They speak to me in the dark
Ask me if I can live in emotional poverty

I nod my head in contradiction
Yet cant stop the self destructive thoughts
The omen that is in me
Who now is my guide who has begun to navigate me

My mind is too hazy I am lost
The consequences don't bother me
Like an unpredictable eccentric
I cruise on anonymous streets

Copyright ©2012alkanarula
 photo credit -
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  1. We often feel like that. Lost in thought and in action.

  2. Yep when the Omen chooses to drive us, we have no option but to travel in anonymous streets.Like the words 'emotional poverty'.

  3. Awesome! Reminded me of Harry potter!

  4. Great one!

    Im following you on GFC (Google Friend Connect), would be nice if you can follow back!

    xoxo Luxury Life Design

  5. This was really amazing piece of poetry. We all feel this drive at one point but to write it in a form of poem is an art. Loved every bit.

  6. These dark thoughts sometimes get to a point sometimes when they are almost powerful enough to take over. Like Hyde snatching control from Dr. Jekyll, it's a frightening prospect.


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