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Thursday, 19 January 2012

keep moving on

Animation of series of frames spanning 6 minutes.
Every time i am stuck in a tide that i can not ride and feel lost in a whirlpool ....... i don't give up nor look for some one to pull me aside ..... i bounce back and  tell my life " you keep trying to drown me "O" my life , but you cant stop my long strides  , its high time you gave up as i am not the one who is ever going to give up and will keep moving on !!

My life has been nasty for some reason  i can not find , but will never give up  though i may not rise above the sky , the mountain peak that i could have reached long back ,had things gone right.......and was  not pulled back by the tide .....but will never  stop and just keep moving on !!

Few steps forward and few backwards , that's how i move  but  ensure my steps forward are more than the ones i take backward ..... like a tortoise i move on and am sure one day i will defeat the pace with my slow but steady strides when life will give up and stop stalking  me and except my victory  and i shall never look back but keep moving on !!

copy right (c)alkanarula
 photo credit atmospheric science data centre


  1. Wow... that's the attitude... ;) slow n steady wins de race... :-D

  2. Wow..wonderful post

    You never need power
    to overcome your sorrow
    all you need is
    hope for tomorrow

    Again very inspiring post...

  3. phoenix:) yes just like the story we were told wen we were kids about the tortoise and the rabbit:)
    nuktaa thank u so much for ur kind wrds:)

  4. A very positive approach. Inspiring.

  5. i bounce back and tell my life " you keep trying to drown me "O" my life , but you cant stop my long strides , its high time you gave up as i am not the one who is ever going to give up and will keep moving on !!

    I like this conversation with life...i like the versatility u bring in every post:)

  6. THATS the spirit.. Bring it on .. let life do what it can do , our job is to face it headlong and bounce back ..

    excellent positive poem loved it ..


  7. hariharan thank u so much for dropping by here and for ur kind words:)
    elvira thank u so much for ur consistent support:)
    bikram thank u sooooooooooooooooo much:)

  8. with positive thinking
    you can overcome any tuf situation of your life

  9. very true and very well said chirag:)


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