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Thursday, 12 April 2012

A lonely bird

I understand your reluctance to disclose the mystery that I am trying to unfold... if I promise that I will not ask for more than what lies in store , will that be fine !
Your advice " live for the day " I heard....  I am a tenacious child ,you know  I am gonna probe till  I find the answer to my question ,you may not like !
You are divine , you think you can hush me coz you own this world ....that's your mistake..I am gonna twitter like a parakeet till answer I have found !
  Am a lonely bird in this world...I know no one , but you and have no reason to lie...need your  help to curb my life ,the only reason I have been probing you for a while !
        copy right (c)alka narula
        photo credit photobucket


  1. Is this a conversation with God?

    What is this "curb my life" bit?

    1. YS ANUPAMA...curb here hs been used instead of control !

  2. All your words have been assosciated with god and you always mention about your wait to an end. Perplexing :)
    Enjoy reading your petry Alka.

  3. That is a lovely Robin (bird) that you have associated with your wonderful words.

  4. Sweet chirping of a pensive bird!

  5. Hope you find those answers you were searching for. Lovely again, Alka :)

  6. Haunting, Alka!!! Haunting...

  7. :) js a blush, no comment... we all ride the same boat but,

    "khushi paas hai, dhoondhta hoon kahin aur...
    paa liya hai jahaan sara, ... par, phir bhi karta hoon sikayat... kai aur.. "

  8. Persistent....if only he understood!! ;)

  9. a beautiful one...deep and intense thought beautifully framed... :)

  10. as a bird you will soar...!!

  11. Birds are rarely lonely. Lonely when other birds of its species are dead or it has suddenly crossed it's border and now hiding to avoid attacks from others. Sometimess during mating season, the female bird stays back while the male collects the appropriate things needed to make a nest.
    Your poetry is wonderful

  12. Thought provoking. Probe- yes one should though at times I feel 'live for the day' is also not a bad option.

  13. 'Need your help to curb my life'??? Whyy?? Why would you want to curb your life??
    Otherwise, it's a lovely poem. I would title it 'The quest and the zest'.


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