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Wednesday, 6 June 2012


        Astounded by the enigma of your regime
                   am a traveller without a lead ,
                        in a journey unforeseen
                 till I surrender , bow at your feet ,
               like a slave who is bound to redeem
                   for sins of this and past life
                         committed by me ;
                        bereft of direction ,
                    unaware of the channel
                    that leads to  holy gleam .
                  Million years of light away
                      you smile and watch
                          my commotion
                              at times
                           me relieved ,
                 your spirals and your weave
            the  mysterious spell of your regime ;
                        left with no aspect
                      no notions, no beliefs
                             the fact
                          like a pawn
                     sacrificed in gambit ,
                       for your pleasure
                      when you are free
          here's my advice u need to think ,
              next time when you are free
                    give me a pleasure
                       to be a queen ,
                  my lust and desires
                 quenched to extreme ,
             as a queen with "joie de vie"
                in your play ground ,
                  in your past time ,
                when you are free ,
          when you re write my destiny
            when you re incarnate me.

copy right(c)alka narula
photo credit photo bucket


  1. 'Out of this world'...symbolically and literally both! Nice, Alka:)

  2. So you wish to be born again in this crazy world?

    Your have create a nice image of mankind's helplessness and its desperate wish for control over destiny.

  3. your thoughts so completely resemble that of anyone who is as beautiful and ethereal as an angel....

  4. Yeah mankind is helpless! But then there is also faith! Nice post Alka!

  5. hmmmm but dont you think queens have their own problems in life :)

    beautiful poem


  6. wow. that was something. Addressed to god?

  7. deep and intense...loved it...reading it for the 3rd time... :) :) :)


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