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Monday, 16 July 2012


Your eyes , your smile,your laughter
Is like blossom ,like spring
 Rose like your phiz, your face
Gave me a reason
A reason to live ,
I need no tantalising bouillon
No pottage, no puree
Just hold me tight,
Am spellbound , bemused
Am fascinated by your aroma
Have become lush without swig
By your aura, your semblance
By your petal like lips
Your intoxicating essence,
Your fragrance
Your redolence is behind my laughter
Let me live in blissful terrene,
Under the sun
Who smiles at me
While I write my songs
On your eyes ,your smile,your laughter
Am enchanted by blossom , by spring
You are the only reason
For I live

copy right(c)alka narula
photo credit mobileapples


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