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Tuesday, 11 September 2012

silver lining

Saw a light that enlightened 
my soul warned me against the world
 told me a tale of pessimism
and a silver lining called optimism

The trail of its words is still clear
It follows me every where
The words that changed me
Purified my thoughts
Here I share
Follow me , is your choice
Your decision

 " I have put an end to your
unwarranted fears for the time being , 
Answered all your prayer
Now flutter and swing , 
Let he fragrance of jasmine
follow you every where
But one promise I need from thee ...
Choose an  affirmative road
One step here or there , on the road of energies
those are morbid and negative
Can destroy you
Life is a bed of roses ,if you may choose
right energy
 I hold no miraculous wand
But it is your thought process ,
 that will make your life
a bliss or fill it up with sufferings.
The choice is yours ,who do you want to give privilege to
Who do you want to carve your destiny "

copy right(c)alka narula
photo credit


  1. terrifically written - loved it :)

  2. Agree in totality choice is our's to whom do we want to give the privilege to. Smooth writing ..

  3. Lovely poetry.Its self realization every human being gets some day or the other. I loved these lines "Choose an affirmative road
    One step here or there , on the road of energies those are morbid and negative
    Can destroy you..." Beautiful poem Alka

  4. very nice and interesting to read...

  5. Great post ! anju from


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