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Saturday, 10 November 2012

beyond the Milky Way

Nice Swimming

I am lost , am out in space
I wonder why did you say ??
"You will cushion while I paddle
You will remove the pebbles from my way "
Like a horse now when I gallop
I feel the pain , I swear
I cant breathe I gasp for some fresh air

Cant you hear my heart ramble
Cant you read my eyes
Now dry , they poured out
Every drop that could reveal the marks
Became a measure of my heart aches

Cant you feel
The numbness in the air
That cast its shadow on me
Has become stagnant
Has become a reason
For me to question you
My existence when you made up your mind
To let me seethe in pain
Not heal this heart
Though you promised
You will relieve me from the hollowness
Of the sphere ,A World of Fantasy
At the same time
Rich , an abundance of sorrow
Called " Fools Paradise"
The existence of  few moths
who live to achieve
Let others down , laugh at others dreams
Who tend to ignore " The monuments of their achievements
will not last , nor will their memories "

Now can I ask to show me the way
To star studded Galaxy I heard its beyond the Milky Way
 I wish to walk
Am tired of galloping on the streets
That lead to nowhere ! 

Copyright ©2012alka narula
photo credit


  1. Melancholy yet unbeatable spirit!

  2. This is really lovely Alka :)
    Words beautifully brought together in rhythm and harmony.
    'The existence of few moths, who live to achieve, let others down.'
    Profound words Alka.

    So, do you actually dream of space travel some day in the future?



  3. You already are on your way to stardom, Alka:):)
    The more I wish to read you the less you are giving these days:(
    A very nice poem this!!

  4. really a fantastic poem captivating the mind..."Am tired of galloping on the streets That lead to nowhere!" superb line beyond words...GOD LOVE U :)

  5. Maybe I did get a flavor of this poem Alka! The first word that crossed my mind was "Melancholy" and that was the first comment here too :) Otherwise, I generally do not comment on poetry because I have no flair for appreciating it.

  6. hmmm well leading ot nowhere.. but then even nowhere is somewhere :)


  7. That was a nice one. :)
    Keep writing.


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