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Saturday, 10 November 2012

cant recall my name

Old tree and sunset

Like a new rainbow I smile all the way

On a bulwark that leads to stars ,  not far away

Veil a secret behind the smile on my face
While I travel , am on sail
My furious attire ,my brazen arrogance 
I dropped on my way
My bare face , my audacious vernacular
My dialect
Are witness to my freedom from the materialism
From the pain

Did I hear some one ask  my name ??
I am anonymous cant recall my name
Did I hear some one ask about my native land ??
I am a nomad , have no place
Having purified my inner self from filth
Am able to relate with the  inner mystical dimensions
of his world , have drifted away from the world known as " A Game "
My journey towards actualisation of truth
On a path of love and devotion towards perfection
Is now , all I seek
So where is the need for an attire or a land with a name
The Sufism has led me to the world
Where neither I fear loneliness nor the ultimate
Naked I walk the bulwark , cant recall my name .

Copyright ©2012alka narula
photo credit .com

1 comment:

  1. hmmmmmmmmm the magic of Sufism.. there was a time when I was very much into it and I must say I was very happy then

    Lovely poem..



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