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Sunday, 10 February 2013

The Heaven

Few words about my conversation with supreme power , here we go....

You gave me a name , lust and desires ,
Few I accomplished few I crave for;

On my way , I heard when you gave a call ,
Your tyrant ways , I swear
Your claims are  bizarre
So are your names and
Various appearances for all ;

Like a slave I move on a slate path
And follow every word that you say
On my journey in the world
That you say you spin the way you want ;

Now when you say I am a Coluber
Lost in my name , lust and desires ,
And have moved away from  "The Heaven "
That I seek in your arms !
Tell me who is to be blamed  ,
When you claim that you are the creator of all ?

Copyright ©2012alkanarula
Photo credit


  1. The final two lines were really powerful....great

  2. A very beautiful composition. Keep writing!

  3. Beautiful poetry Alka!....epecially loved the last two lines!
    Beautiful animated picture of nature...

  4. Wonderful composition...I am touched by these lines :-)

    "Like a slave I move on a slate path
    And follow every word that you say
    On my journey in the world
    That you say you spin the way you want"

  5. After a long time Alka--very thought provoking question at the end wow!!!


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