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Monday, 2 June 2014

Rings Of Smoke

Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity. #Yoko Ono

My wings were on fire
But I couldn't see the flames
Walking down on the streets
Unable to hear the sound of its footfall
I walked in the shadow of smokey rings
And  I thought
 " Its going to rain "
I didn't know
" Who could I ask "
If the showers were real
Or  they are fake

On a beautiful day
When I thought
It's time to walk away
From the " Rings of Power "
With the only thought
" I am no more its slave "
I cruised down the streets
With the only thought
In my heart
I am free
I don't need to think of my past

The tears that rolled down my cheeks
Began to recede
I followed a beautiful dream
That I didn't know
" That won't last"
I vent open my desires
They spoke to my heart
Named me " blindfolded "
Who couldn't see the fire
Driven by desires
 Mistook my pyre for a dream
The ring of smoke for a cloud that would rain

Such is life
Standing on the threshold
With my dreams
My sunken eyes
Can't even see 
The difference between " the fire
And the showers of rain"
The difference between "the pleasure
And unbearable pain "
Therefore all my dreams
I put you away " I prefer to be callous"

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results Link for your google analytic code


  1. Beautiful verse with the astonishing picture of Ring of Smoke.

  2. ah ha , a beautiful poem Alka mam.. loved it


  3. Pain and pleasure together...hmm...deadly combination! Beautifully penned :)


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