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Showing posts with label #writing poetry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #writing poetry. Show all posts

Monday, 17 August 2015

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Poetry on love

Love is an amazing feeling that we all crave for

I can see the rainbow
The hues are bright
They peer through the rain though
Love me like
You never loved me ever before

is like
A mushy pill
It gives grueling pain though
Lie by my side
Stroke my hair like you  never stroked them ever before

My tell tale eyes
Speak to them
They may look away
When you try to read them though
But I swear by my smile
You are the Eros I have been waiting for

I may ask for
A little time
I may try to run away
My heart may want to stay on though
Hold me tight
My face may turn a little pale though

The stars in my eyes
Don't recognise
Who you are
Where you are from though
But the thirst in my smiles
Want you to give me more and more

Dress me up
With your warm breath
Bathe me with your eyes
My clothes may get drenched though
Feel my lips with your tender smile
Paint them with your fragrance till they ask for more and more

And ask you to hold your smile
To feel my tender lips
Though they may appear to have never tasted a breath before
The jig saw of life
Shatter it apart
And make me believe  in love that I never ever experienced before

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results

Sunday, 16 August 2015

Poetry of the day-"Your thoughts become your reality"

"Your Thoughts become your reality " is inspired by The Secret Law of Universe that you can manifest your desires by power of your thoughts                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Featured in


Midnight blue
The star like shine
But satanic were the hues....................................... 
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Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results

Monday, 2 June 2014

Rings Of Smoke

Experiencing sadness and anger can make you feel more creative, and by being creative, you can get beyond your pain or negativity. #Yoko Ono

My wings were on fire
But I couldn't see the flames
Walking down on the streets
Unable to hear the sound of its footfall
I walked in the shadow of smokey rings
And  I thought
 " Its going to rain "
I didn't know
" Who could I ask "
If the showers were real
Or  they are fake

On a beautiful day
When I thought
It's time to walk away
From the " Rings of Power "
With the only thought
" I am no more its slave "
I cruised down the streets
With the only thought
In my heart
I am free
I don't need to think of my past

The tears that rolled down my cheeks
Began to recede
I followed a beautiful dream
That I didn't know
" That won't last"
I vent open my desires
They spoke to my heart
Named me " blindfolded "
Who couldn't see the fire
Driven by desires
 Mistook my pyre for a dream
The ring of smoke for a cloud that would rain

Such is life
Standing on the threshold
With my dreams
My sunken eyes
Can't even see 
The difference between " the fire
And the showers of rain"
The difference between "the pleasure
And unbearable pain "
Therefore all my dreams
I put you away " I prefer to be callous"

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results Link for your google analytic code

Friday, 23 May 2014

My Entry For Have You Ever Written Poetry

Poetry is the chiseled marble of language; it's a paint-spattered canvas - but instead of paint the poet uses words to paint, and in the whole process you become the canvas. One should not shackle poetry with definitions. Poetry is not a frail and cerebral old woman, Poetry is stronger than one thinks. Poetry is imagination and will break those chains faster than you can say "Harlem Renaissance." Though there are several definitions for poetry but defining poetry is like grasping at the wind - once you catch it, it's no longer wind.There are as many definitions of poetry as there are poets. Wordsworth defined poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings;" Emily Dickinson said, "If I read a book and it makes my body so cold no fire ever can warm me, I know that is poetry;" and Dylan Thomas defined poetry this way: "Poetry is what makes me laugh or cry or yawn, what makes my toenails twinkle, what makes me want to do this or that or nothing." and my definition of poetry is " The poetry does not need to necessary rhyme but each word should be a poem in itself " One of the most definable characteristics of the poetic form is economy of language. Poets are miserly and unrelentingly critical in the way they dole out words to a page. Carefully selecting words for conciseness and clarity is standard, even for writers of prose, but poets go well beyond this, considering a word's emotive qualities, its musical value, its spacing, and yes, even its spacial relationship to the page. The poet, through innovation in both word choice and form, seemingly rends significance from thin air.#writingpoetry #indispire

Have you ever written poetry? What was your first poem called? Do you believe that poetry is really a 'spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'?

Though I agree with you when you ask is poetry a " spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings " but I would like to add  a little more to it " Poetry not only is spontaneous overflow of  powerful feelings but also the strong flow of emotions that can take others along with the flow "

Though I started scribbling two liners at a very young age but the lines below titled " Tuberose Under My Pillow " , I feel are my first few words that I could think of calling a beginners poetry.

                                                          Tuberose Under My Pillow

                                                                      Was that a saviour 
                                                              Freaking me out  in my dream 
                                                                   I looked under the pillow.
                                                                     Lay some tube rose,
                                                           Some silver and some moccasin !!
                                                                          Am I illusion
                                                    Or is it a hallucination powered by my dream
                                           But tube rose under the pillow are real and smell sweet!

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results Link for your google analytic code

Monday, 17 March 2014


 Few lines on deceit ....


                                                         You said " You love"
                                                  Didn't you know " love is pious
                                                      Not meant to be abused
                                                            Nor to be used
                                                            For selfish gains
                                                 So spell not those words again

                                             Your treacherous, perfidious ways
                                            You should know " Will destroy you "
                                                    You will pay for your sins
                                        Though you may try to wash your hands of
                                                       You are being watched
                                                               Some day
                                                  You will be taken off guard
                                                          Come what may

                                              You created a place in my heart
                                          Pretended to be Siebog ( God of love)
                                                     Your intentions were all wrong
                                                           I ignored let go
                                              Because I didn't want  blood bath
                                                       To stain my palms
                                         The stains would have been as hideous
                                                      As your odious face
                                        That you conceal with your gentle ways
                                               But I saw through your evil skills
                                         That know how to caste a witchcraft
                                                       But sooner or later
                                                     The world will know
                                              Your malefic and malevolent
                                                           Vicious face
                                           As the venom does have a shade
                                                   That shows with time
                                                  And not let the culprit
                                                            Get away
                                              But show you the gateway
                                       And you will be mowed and churned
                                                    By his savage slaves
                                                       And show you
                                           When the spell of curse casts
                                            That comes from a true heart
                                                      That you ignored
                                              And tread to reach the top
                                                     Your eyes will roll
                                              That's the time you will realise
                                  When your screams will go unheard and in vain

     Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results Link for your google analytic code

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