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Monday, 17 August 2015

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Poetry on love

Love is an amazing feeling that we all crave for

I can see the rainbow
The hues are bright
They peer through the rain though
Love me like
You never loved me ever before

is like
A mushy pill
It gives grueling pain though
Lie by my side
Stroke my hair like you  never stroked them ever before

My tell tale eyes
Speak to them
They may look away
When you try to read them though
But I swear by my smile
You are the Eros I have been waiting for

I may ask for
A little time
I may try to run away
My heart may want to stay on though
Hold me tight
My face may turn a little pale though

The stars in my eyes
Don't recognise
Who you are
Where you are from though
But the thirst in my smiles
Want you to give me more and more

Dress me up
With your warm breath
Bathe me with your eyes
My clothes may get drenched though
Feel my lips with your tender smile
Paint them with your fragrance till they ask for more and more

And ask you to hold your smile
To feel my tender lips
Though they may appear to have never tasted a breath before
The jig saw of life
Shatter it apart
And make me believe  in love that I never ever experienced before

Copyright ©2012alkanarula photo credit - google image search results

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