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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

once again....

I close my eyes and feel the pain...i am sure this life i cant run away....i am over with my fight with destiny, over and over again.....but i  made up my mind i am here to matter how hard you try to blow me feel my heart inside ,you will be shocked to see the rock....but don't blame me for becoming so are the one who didn't realise.......that you cant break a heart any number of times ,you feel fight with the tide,made me strong not to fight but ride on top of the wave ....that tries to drown you down ,and you are left with no, this is my style to live my life....and i left you with no choice but to compromise.....and deep in your heart ,you may have realised ....i am a difficult one , to tow away.....but its your fault,you only wrote my destiny the way you liked and i am your beloved...that's what i heard when i spoke to a lady who was spiritual and was right in her own way....i was told by her ,the ones who are close to your heart are made to feel the maximum of regrets no more...we shall see when we meet once again ,and you will write my destiny once again !!

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  1. Hmm girl, do I detect some anger here? powerful

  2. I will title my comment as "once again" n proceed... ;) Once again, this is a great composition of emotions from a fighting heart that doesn't fight the tide but has "learnt" to ride it... :) Keep riding...

  3. Hello.
    This is intense, almost angry, but with a clear message that you won't be held down anymore.
    Very positive.
    Thanks for sharing & visiting. I appreciate your comments.

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    Harp Of My Soul

  4. miss lego haha no real anger just the anger thats prob within me and i pour it out through words:)thank u
    phoenix and i will start my reply with once again thank u soooo much your words are always encouraging and i look forward to your comments:)
    deepak thank u:)
    andy than u sooo much for ur consistent support and valuable comments:)

  5. That is the spirit .. stand up and fight bring it on :)


  6. :) thank u for ur encouraging words bikram:)

  7. Emotions courageously painted on an empty canvas!


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