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Tuesday, 10 January 2012

phoenix (dedicated to Phoenix)

these lines dedicated to Phoenix( ) ,a fellow blogger and inspired by his words in my comment box 

a myth that we all believe in ,about the  bird(phoenix) who burns itself in fire and is born again from the ashes it leaves behind but the one i know is  real ,  not a self destructive but rising one ,who read my pain !!.

he came around and advised me,temporary is the silence and i should do the learning and not think of the pain,i know he is right but i cant close my eyes to the hurt i face!!

the sound of Phoenix in the silence did bring, some comfort from pain ... i feel relieved now and much lighter to know there are people who may not know you but can relate with your words !!

a strange world of people , the ones you feel are going to be by your side are not around but you do find some one to relieve you from the agony, who they are you are not aware !!

copy right(c)alkanarula
photo credit wikipedia


  1. OMG! a post for me? I don't find words to thank you. A small correction would be rPhoenix instead of just phoenix. 'cos i am the rising Phoenix. Not the one that ends up self-destructin. And, you can close your eyes and face the pain. It all remains with the amount of courage you brace up to face it... :) Just close your eyes and you can face it... :) Thank you so much for your words... :)

  2. i agree with u alka... there are people who acre for u... even though they are complete strangers :)

    I'm glad u found Phoenix :) glad

    Take care and keep writing........

  3. @hiThousif where have you been hiding,nyways i mailed you my share of lines waiting for you to complete it so that i can post...@Phoenix,i made the corrections thank you for feed back.

  4. I am so thankful to you alka. I have added it to my page as a gadget "My priceless reward..." :) My altar is adorned with your special gift... :)

  5. i am glad you liked times we drive so much happiness from small thing...i saw it ,and went through your latest post,left a comment too

  6. Small thing? If you meant this post, i would certainly stand up and argue saying that it was not a small thing, especially for me. ;) Thank you again...

  7. wonderfully written- after writing a poem on Phoenix- my version, its good to see how differently u have put another dimension to it!!!

  8. Hello Alka.
    Sometimes, complete strangers who we might never get to meet can be the most comforting when our own friends & family have deserted us in our time of need.
    This is a lovely tribute to r_Phoenix.
    Keep on expressing & sharing.

    Harp Of My Soul

  9. phoenix i saw the attitude of gratitude badge on ur blog thank u soooooooooooooooooooo very much:)n when destiny makes us meet face to face we shall argue it out:)
    elvira thank u so much,do send me a link to ur post i would love to go thru it:)
    andy very true,its funny how we have never spoken to our blogger friends or on the phone or have never met with no clue what they do what they dont yet they still become so close its simply amazn..thank u:)

  10. @Alka: Even if we meet, talk on the phone or whatever maybe the medium used to get to know each other, all these have one thing in common- WORDS... Wherever words are found, they will convey the message... :) Alryt, we can argue it out when we meet... :-P

  11. phoenix hmmmm very well said:)i neeeeeddddddd ur blog link asap:)

  12. My blog link is

    I have already given it in another comment as well... Don't mistake. I am not spamming your page... ;) :D

  13. i seem to be very confused today,i have replied to this comment on ur comment on phoenix and now vice versa...pls do gimme ur mail id fr d duet i will write a few lines n email u an then u write sum n mail back n so it goes on:) and then i post it

  14. i have mailed you my email id in indiblogger's indimail... :-P

  15. alrite will check and mail u the the meanwhile do participate in the chorus:)


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