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Tuesday, 7 February 2012

i seek some advice

I heard some one knock at my heart .... before i could open the door ...i placed my face on the wall and heard my heart throb that was now hard....... and it seemed some one was trying to read my thoughts , buried deep in my heart.

I told my heart " hold on and make no sound , while he reads all my thoughts .....and wait for him to leave and come back to uncover my heart " that was not revealed for some reason  deep in my heart.

He came back to re read my unrevealed heart.... and said "now don't fear my love, if you understand the way i am made ,i am here to stay for rest of the life "

I opened the door ,that remained closed for long ....he broke open the wall ....... that concealed my slain heart...... and  entered , holding a memoir in his hand.....that i read through the night..... while he lay by my side....the story of his life.

I left for the day with peace in my mind.....woke up last night ,disturbed with noise.....confusion still prevails with  last words .....they haunt my mind.

Do i need to go through the trial once again....why cant i live with empty my life....haven't i had enough of this life,....tired i look at myself in  the mirror that says " you are too precious to let one play games with your heart....its too late to go through another trial  "

Uncertain i seek some advice !!

copyright (c)alkanarula
photo credit comic vine


  1. reminded of twilight's Edward :)....its a charming post from u this better suprise u

    Well, there's a SURPRISE awaiting u, kindly visit my blog soon :)

  2. Flow with the is full of alarms and surprises. Don't live with fear in your heart.
    Use your instincts. Do not let fears cloud your mind.
    "Sail away with me honey...what will be will be"...David Grey.
    Nothing to loose but our chains and you stand a world to gain.

  3. A good question why go through it all over again... but then life is such
    my advice is give it a go who knows this may be the one , the one who you been waiting for ..

    Beautiful poem

  4. elvira thank you for your kind words and thank you for the award too:)thank u sooooooooo much:)
    bikram thank you for the advise i guess i will give it a go..thank u once again:)

  5. That was a nice post...
    i have no advice :(

  6. You are a super emotional person aren't you.. I really hope ur dreams come true... :) Cheers!

  7. you got me der pranita:)thank u sooooo much fr ur wishes:)


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