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Sunday, 13 May 2012

Amen !


Can you hear flutter of my wings ,like a butterfly I fly in the air with ocean of dreams.....The odour of musk do you feel when you breathe fresh air that has begun to smell so sweet !

A bunch of stench I left behind now am away from sleaze ,to be in a world that's ready to greet the way I am , I fly and  feel.....with ocean of my dreams I am ready to go glide and find some love for me that's waiting and is life for me...I feel so beautiful  in side , I feel like wearing my dancing shoes and touch the sky !

Hold on to your breath  and look at me , I am dressed in my favourite style to greet  life tonight....all that I need my friends from you is just pray for me . 
amen !
copy right alka narula
photo credit photo bucket


  1. If not for you, I wouldn’t know the deep
    stirrings of the heart from where words pour out like nectar creating waves of emotions.
    I’d never feel this inner soft subtle voice conveying so much in the form of poetry.

  2. ...absolutely beautiful, Alka, deep thought and sheer words...typically yours...fantastic flow too!
    Loved it :)

  3. Alka Mam.. amazing words .. you know i am glad i come over to read you , I get ot read such lovely poetry


  4. जितना आपको पढ़ रहा हू तारीफ के लिए शब्द कम पड़ते जा रहे है

    बात जब सीधे दिल से निकलेगी तो सुन्दर तो होगी ही
    अदभूत रचना

  5. Beautiful thought Alka. Last few lines were lovely...


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