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Monday, 14 May 2012

I am free now...

                                       Like a cloud in the sky,
                                        with no wings I can fly,
                                   I need no cave , no hideaway
                                     like a proud  pachyderm ,
                              I walk on the road that is confined
                         to prerogative world with exclusive rights ;
                    I feel now,  I feel now away from melancholy of life .

                                   I am no bird  but I can fly,
                                  I rise and  I dive,I can glide,
                          can fight the fears , those were intense
                overpowered my mind for years but now have condensed ;
                          my heart is confined in four walls of mine
                                I hear no cries ,I have no ties
                       I am free now,I can fly without no wings .

                      Away from the world with exclusive rights ,
            away from the world ,away from the melancholy of this life ,
                  I feel now,I feel free from fake and fictitious ties .
                              Like a storm I walked away
                                       I have no whims
                                 no desires and my craves ,
                                    I left them far away
                      in mendacious world , where no one is real
                                 no more I feel I am frail
                                    like a pachyderm
                               I left ,I have no claims
                  I am free now , free like a cloud I fly away .
copy right(c)alka narula
photo credit ohoto bucket


  1. hmmmm Well we all deserve to be free and hopefully without the problems that we go through before we get free ..


  2. yeah punam i m thinking of giving it a music.thank you

  3. Here's my effort to do some appreciation for your page... Please check it out.

  4. It is giving a feeling of freedom and inspiration. Very well written and I am very happy to read your poem :)

  5. Very poetic celebration of freedom....this sort of self-talk does becalm the mind.

  6. fluid as a lyric....wonderfullll loved it...dont have much words for appreciation either..just dumb and silence I enjoy your beautiful work..thanks for sharing


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