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Tuesday, 10 July 2012

The Burning Streets

Cluster of dreams
Ringlet of desires
My castles in the air
Have become imprudent
Lost the reasoning power
Have become inane
Feel no pain
Am dazed by the sparkle
The panorama , the spectrum
Is all I look for ,try to capture

My winglets on fire
The flames have gone higher
I feel no heat nor I see
The source of heat
I cruise with my desires
My swollen and burnt feet
Don't feel the pain nor the heat

The vicious circle
One after the other
Painful flyers
Convey "neither
I should wait , nor I deserve
The skill to experience the patrichor
Nor pitter-patter , its not meant for me "

Now how do I convince , my heart
That I lost while I cruised
The burning streets
When I saw a spectacular dream .

copy right (c)alka narula
photo credit photobucket


  1. Hello.
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  2. Written with poignancy and passion...but there is hope... :))

  3. simply loved the poem ...

  4. Amazing Alka :) You are awesome in expressing

  5. excellent expression alka...
    very nice poem.


  6. very nicely expressed!


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