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Friday, 13 July 2012

El Dorado

Few lines on loneliness

On a gloomy road all alone ,
 In a shroud of hope ,
 Along with my shadow ,
 Who lay prostrate on the road,
I told her to come along,
Don't give up, don't leave me alone ,
I can see some golden dust ,
 I am sure
We are close to an Oasis "

She refused to hear one word , I told ,
She lay back like a rock beside the road,
She muttered   " You are blind ,
You can see no more beyond
The ring of desires ,
Now leave me alone ,
Move on ,on your own ,
I wonder ,
What makes you so sure ,
You will reach El Dorado ,
And find a Holy grail
The day you find an Anon
On this anonymous road
That leads to unknown world
I will follow if I am alive
If I am there !

copy right (c)alka narula
photo credit webweavers free clipart


  1. Nice one! Can I point out a small mistake though? It should have been prostrate, not prostate; which is actually a gland found in males ;) But excellent poem, I loved the play with words.. as usual :)

  2. thank u fr pointing out ,it ws a typing mistake ,corrected it ..thank u sooo mch :) @purple mist,

  3. wow! very beautiful again!

  4. वाह वाह
    अब तो तारीफ के लिए स्गब्द कम पड़ने लगे है अल्का जी

  5. :) lovely poem

    El darado is also a beautiful movie :)


  6. Absolutely amazing piece of work.

  7. Alka you excel yourself with every new poem-loved it !


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