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Friday, 8 November 2013


Blows are  what awaken us and help to break the dreams They show us the insufficiency of this world
and make us long to escape, to have freedom -(Swami Vivekananda)

Though the following lines are purely my expression yet inspired by  by Swami Vivekananda quote

Like a moron
I thought
I lie in thy heart
Away from  the claws of evil

I didn't know
The strings will fall apart
Before I unfurl
And flower like an Iris

I wrote
On the walls of your heart
The showy petals of some flowers are pungent
It hurts when you breathe in

I choked
Tried to breathe in the smog
But failed to survive
The stroke of demeaning

I rose
From the piles
With that one  smile
That assured me it could heal me

A mud pie
That was blown
When you crushed the Iris with your toes
Woke me up from my dream

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